Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Onto new ideas.......again....

Even though we only had a week to come up with an idea and make a 3D animatic we failed to impress. So We as a group decided that I should assume the director role and force the group forward. That in mind I decided to change the idea slightly and rearrange the environment to suit a better narrative.

This was a few quick ideas for a series of evens to lengthen and help move the film on a bit more.
I also came up with a quick floor plan reference sketch of the new environment.

And this was what we came up with as a sort of storyboard of words:

1.       Character reveal  shows character is tired and exhausted

                Camera starts low, slow pan up.

2.       Starting to walk - slow start. Covering face to protect from blizzard.

3.       Cuts to him seeing ship. Ship is in his way. Long shot behind him from floor, pans upwards.

4.       Character looks for alternate path still shielding face from snow, strains eyes to see through snow and fog. Notices bridge in mid distance. 

                First person perspective shot.

5.       At the bridge long shot from above as bridge starts to sway more in wind third of way across long shot from right to left. Medium shot from front - hip upwards of last few steps off bridge. Relieved to be across.

6.       Still at end of the bridge, looking around more, makes something out in the distance (temple) through the fog and snow. Fog clears slightly. Close up of character and then a long shot First person long shot.

7.       Moving towards temple and pillars cuts to him a couple of meters away from start of pillars, closer he gets the more the fog clears and he sees more detail of the pillars and temple Over the shoulder shot Mid to Long shot.

8.       Walking towards pillars, first pillar on the left starts to crumble. Close head shot of him looking up at the pillar. Medium shot from behind of the actual fall, Jumps back out of the way of the falling pillar.

9.       Jumps over the fallen pillar with a short run up.  Camera on right looking at chars left from right Mid shot. Uses hand to aid jump over pillar.

10.   Carries on walking, Goes to duck under already fallen pillar, cuts to a mid close-up from front of char as he continues under pillar. 

11.   Walks towards chasm, running jump over in mid shot from behind. Cuts to a long show from bottom of chasm of him mid jump. Before he reaches other side, cuts to a ground level close-up of him not making the jump and hanging onto other side, pulling himself up. 

12.   Cuts to behind mid shot of him leaning on the final pillar on the right. He's now right at the foot of the temple. Camera is quite low town, slowly pans up as he leans, and continues to pan to reveal the full scale of the temple

13.   Close mid shot of him walking up several steps. Cuts front close mid of him getting to the top of the stairs camera will be inside temple.

14.   In temple, Long shot from behind the throne back of the temple of him walking towards the throne. As he reaches the throne the camera cuts to a over the shoulder/3rd person over right shoulder mid close-up shot of him looking at a dead guy. Reaches out and puts hand on dead guys shoulder, causing the body to slump down in the chair. Cuts to close-up of hand looking from elbow of him patting him on the shoulder as if to say sorry you didn't make it, character is feeling lonely. Cuts back to previous shot as character begins to turn away from the dead guy. 

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