Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Final Film

There seems to be a loss in quality after uploading to YouTube, it's not too bad though.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Pillar Fall Test with Snow

The crack was painted on in after effects and then keyed to reveal more as the shot went along. There was also a tiny of of motion tracking which I have never done before.

There are two layers of snow, one is the After effects CS6 snow and the other is a layer of snow created and rendered in Maya by Leanne.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Diving into Post Production

As time is running out the pressure to get this film finished has risen greatly. But we are working flat out with rendering and editing with the aim to have the whole thing finished within a few more days.

I have been doing 4 passes when rendering out of Maya, and it hasn't been adding too much extra time to the rendering.

Just last minute colour adjustments and subtle effects to top it off.

Once I have all the shots rendered, snow added and composited together in After-effects, I will render it out with no sound and we will then give it to our audio production guy Nathan.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Post Production

Because we are so short on time I helped Jason by doing some of the animation for him. Now I'm currently working on some post production jobs such as adding the right amount of fog to each shot and checking textures and lighting for any errors.

A quick example of the fog:

I'm currently struggling with trying to fix a white-out issue with one of the shots, hopefully it wont take too long too fix, last resort would be to start the shot again and hope the same error doesn't come up again.